In this discussion we will discuss five (5) ways to care for your spine.
There are numerous factors that can influence your spinal health-from faulty ergonomics, weight gain, joint stiffness, poor truncal stability/core, poor posture, faulty biomechanics /alignment etc.
Your back is the centre of all movement-a solid base from which your arms and legs can function from. As many of you know back pain can be incredibly debilitating and can affect your working, sporting and social life as well as your physical, social, financial and mental health.
Hints to Encourage Better Care of Your Spine
1. Maintain better muscular stability/core around your spine
Unfortunately with the high tech world we live in with computers/ipads/netflix etc our working and social lifestyles have become more sedentary. Muscle help to encompass and support the spine and should our spine be put in a stressful situation, the stronger we are the better the support and protection of our spine.We then have less chance of injury or irritation. Often specific but simple core exercises need to be taught for longer lasting results (Prevention of Flare-ups)
2. Ensure good ergonomic set-up at work and at home
With the higher number of hours spent at work, and now due to the Covid experience also at home, it is important to correctly set up your work environment specifically to you. The incorrect set up, even if only by inches, can develop ineffeciencies of the body. After working 40+ hours/week and years later, you could develop muscular aches and imbalances
3. Correct foot and leg alignment/biomechanics.
Should our legs have a leg length discrepancy or overpronate it wont be an issue for 6-12 months but later down the track, the body will eventually struggle to cope. However, I think the western world can over prescribe orthotics as we need to allow for normal variations. Some of my chronic low back sufferers have benefited from orthotic/podiatry supports to at least align the lower limbs correctly from the floor up.
4. Invest in a good bed and pillow
After the day’s stresses it is important to support your body to recover on a supportive mattress. Many of our body’s systems need adequate time to rest, revitalise and recover. If sleeping on your side, a pillow placed between your knees often feels more supportive and comfortable
5. Seek advice and Treatment by a professional
The above four points are important in managing chronic lower back conditions. When you are in pain though, you will be looking for some pain relief. Treatment techniques that can be considered include
– Joint Mobilisations
– Stretching
– Taping
– Electrotherapy and heat
– Dry needling
– Massage
Back Pain and Physiotherapy
At Physio on Ross, our professional physiotherapists will be able to accurately assess your condition and tailor an individualised treatment plan. All clients will be educated in their pathology and be involved in their own pathway to recovery.
Why not consider your start of recovery today?
Should any queries arise please don’t hesitate to call Physio on Ross on 47282116 , email or Book Directly Online Today